Winter is just around the corner and this means that the weather in West Virginia is cooling down so homeowners in the Belington area need to start being on the lookout for wildlife trying to get inside. West Virginia wildlife that commonly is found in homes during the fall and winter months include raccoons, squirrels, rodents, possums and bats. Wildlife will attempt to move inside because they are searching for a warm shelter that has easy access to food and water. Some species will even move indoors to build their nests and breed; this means that before you realize it, you could have a family of raccoons making your home theirs.
Having wildlife in your West Virginia home is not just a nuisance, they actually pose a significant amount of danger to you, your family and home. Wildlife in homes are often found in attics, chimneys, and behind your walls. They can dig through your insulation, cause blockages in your chimney, rip or chew through electrical wires and chew holes through plumbing pipes. This can all lead to fires, water leaks, and mold issues, not to mention a major mess. Wildlife can also introduce a large number of diseases and bacteria into your home including rabies, histoplasmosis, and Salmonella along with many others. And while that raccoon or squirrel may look cute or fluffy, they can actually be quite aggressive and you should never attempt to touch or catch wildlife animals that are in your home.
Wildlife can be quite persistent when trying to enter into homes, but there are things that you as a homeowner can fix or do around your home to help prevent wildlife from getting inside. Wildlife prevention tips include:
Keeping outdoor trash cans and compost piles a good distance away from the exterior of your home.
Trimming back trees and bushes from the side of your home; as wildlife can hide in landscaping located near your home and use branches for easy access to the home.
Repair or replace loose roof shingles and keep a tight fitting cap on your chimney if you have one.
Make sure that attic vents and soffits are secured with no holes or tears. Replace if necessary.
Do not keep uneaten dog or cat food outside of your home for long periods of time.
Check your foundation and inspect areas where pipes, cables and vents enter into homes and if there are gaps or holes you will want to secure these areas for a tight seal.
For problems with wildlife that are currently in your home or for help preventing future problems, contact your local Belington pest control company. Don’t delay if you think you hear something in the attic or behind your walls, call Ace Exterminators today!