With the official start to fall being September 22nd this year, you can bet that fall pests will be arriving around this time as well. While there are many critters that will attempt to move indoors as the nights and days cool off, one pest in particular to be on the lookout for are stink bugs. Homeowners may start to see these pests crawl around the windows and doors in an attempt to find a way to get inside and out of the cold. The good news is that stink bugs are not going to harm you (i.e. they do not bite, sting, or spread disease), but the bad news is that stink bugs leave a foul odor when crushed or threatened which makes getting rid of stink bugs a hard feat. Thankfully, the harder you work to prevent stink bugs now, the less chance you will have of finding them around the home this fall.
If you are not sure what stink bugs are or are having trouble identifying the insects around the home, here is a little information to help. Stink bugs are most known and recognized by their distinct shield shaped bodies. Many people call stink bugs, “shield bugs” for this reason. They are often different shades of brown and are not too big, usually under an inch long.
Now that you know what they look like, it is time to learn how to avoid them. Here are a few tips to help prevent stink bugs from getting into your home this fall:
Check all windows and be sure that the screens are in good shape. Holes, tears or even a screen that leaves a little gap could be just enough space for a stink bugs to squeeze through.
Trim back bushes and tree limbs so that they do not touch the side of the home. This eliminates easy access for stink bugs onto the side of the home because bushes and trees create a ‘bridge’ for these critters as well as many other insects looking to move inside.
Inspect the foundation and exterior of the home and if there are any cracks, holes or crevices along the outside, it is important to fill these openings in to help keep stink bugs outside.
Continue your regular pest control services which include preventative treatments to deter pest activity.
Sometimes despite our best efforts to keep the bugs outside, they still are sneaky enough to find their way in. If this is the case, you will want to contact your local pest control professionals to help you get rid of stink bugs that have moved inside. As mentioned before, due to the foul odor left behind, crushing and vacuuming up stink bugs may not be the most desirable method to stink bug control.
For more information on stink bug control in D.C., or the the surrounding areas including Baltimore and Alexandria, Maryland, contact American Pest today! Remember, it is better to stop stink bugs from entering before they have a chance to move inside this fall.