Stink bugs are a nuisance pest and as their name suggests, a smelly pest. They have small glands on their thorax that will emit a foul odor when the bugs are squished, squashed or threatened. Stink bugs are identified by the shield shaped plate in their back, also they are almost as wide as they are long running about 17mm in length. Stink bugs are not native to our continent but were introduced to eastern Pennsylvania a few years back and have since increased in numbers, spreading to states across the country. While stink bugs do not cause any harm to humans, they are known for being a major agricultural pest that can destroy small backyard gardens, along with damaging crops and destroying profits on large commercial farms and therefore are more than just a nuisance pest.
During the colder winter months, stink bugs will look for a warm place to spend the winter. They are drawn to the sunny, warm walls of homes and will find their way into your home through gaps around windows and doors, cracks in foundations, chimneys, dryer vents and loose roof shingles. Once inside (usually during the late fall or early winter months is when they are found), stink bugs may remain active feeding on plants, fruits or vegetables in your home. Even if this is not the case, you will notice them crawling on walls and ceilings seeking shelter for the winter. The best way to avoid stink bugs in Pittsburgh is to prevent them from getting inside in the first place. Prevention tips include:
Sealing cracks and crevices in your homes foundation.
Caulking gaps around doors and windows.
Replacing screens that are torn or ripped.
Replacing loose or missing roof shingles.
Keeping a tight fitting cap on your chimney.
Trimming back trees and bushes so they do not touch the side of the home.
Stink bugs can invade your home in large numbers, requiring you to get help from a professional exterminator to completely get rid of them. In order to eliminate the stink bugs that are visibly crawling around your home before the professionals arrive, you should vacuum them up to prevent them from releasing their foul odor. The contents of the vacuum should then be placed in your outdoor trash.
Once the pest control experts arrive they will be able to safely eliminate your current stink bug infestation and then will work with you to repair and seal the areas of your home that are allowing them to enter which will help to prevent future infestations. Another way to reduce the threat of stink bugs this fall is by implementing a year round home pest control plan to prevent common household pests, including stink bugs, from becoming unwanted house guests this winter. Contact Witt Pest Management for more information on stink bug control and other services to protect your home in Pittsburgh from pests.