Cockroaches live all over the world and have around been since prehistoric times. Cockroaches have survived for millions of years which is a testament to how resilient these pests are and how difficult they can be to eliminate from your New Jersey home. While there are thousands of species of cockroaches there are 5 types that are commonly found in homes in New Jersey:
American Cockroach- A large cockroach and can be 1-1/2 inches in length and are reddish brown in color. They prefer warm moist areas so inside homes they can be found in basements and bathrooms. These are also commonly called Palmetto bugs.
Oriental Cockroach- Another large cockroach that can grow in length up to 1 inch and are a dark, oily black in color. They like dark moist areas and in homes can be found in bathrooms, wet basements, in crawl spaces and underneath porches.
German Cockroach- These are a smaller cockroach and grow in length between ¼ - 5/8 of an inch in length; they are light brown or tan in color with dark stripes down their head. They like to live in small, tight areas where moisture is present. In homes they can be found in kitchens, bathrooms; and if there is a large infestation they will be found throughout the house.
Brown-banded cockroach- A small species that are about 5.8th of an inch in length. They are a tan to light brown in color, with two light colored bands across their wings and abdomen. This species is more commonly found in homes and apartments weather then in restaurants.
Smokey Brown cockroach- Another large cockroach that is 1 ¼ - 1 3/8th of an inch in length. They are a uniform dark brown or mahogany in color. This species generally live in southern areas, but can survive in colder climates by moving indoors.
Cockroaches generally enter into homes inside of luggage, bags, packages, and boxes. They may also find their way into homes through cracks in foundations and gaps around windows and doors while foraging for food and while searching for environment that is suitable for breeding. Once inside your home they will breed very quickly and spread easily throughout your home. Having a cockroach infestation inside your New Jersey residence can be a health issue for you and your family. Roaches in NJ carry a lot of diseases and bacteria on their bodies, legs and in their fecal matter. This is because before entering your home, or while in your home cockroaches crawl through garbage, sewers, drains and bathroom areas. They will then crawl over your food, food prep areas, dishes, cabinets and other parts of your home spreading Salmonella, dysentery and food poisoning. Also the excrement and shed skin that they leave behind has the potential to trigger severe asthma attacks in some individuals.
As a New Jersey homeowner there are many precautions that you should take to help prevent cockroaches from taking over your home no matter what species they may be. Some cockroach prevention tips include:
• Always inspecting boxes, bags and packages for signs of cockroach before bringing them into your home.
• Seal cracks in your foundation, and caulk gaps that are around any doors or windows.
• Routinely take garbage that is inside your home outside, making sure to store it is sealed containers away from the exterior of your home.
• Keep food items in sealed containers or in the refrigerator.
• Do not leave dirty dishes in your sink for extended periods of time.
• Cockroaches are drawn to moisture so fix any leaky pipes or humid areas in your home.
• Keep clutter to a minimum so that cockroaches do not have places to hide and find shelter in.
If you are in need of home pest control for cockroaches a professional New Jersey pest control company will be able to help. Cockroaches can be very difficult to get rid of on your own; they adapt easily to new environments and if all cockroaches are not found and treated properly a re-infestation will quickly occur. Professional pest control experts will customize a treatment plan to eliminate your current infestation, and will be able to provide preventative treatments to stop future infestation from happening!
ChemTec Pest Control offers roach control in New Jersey including Bergen and Passaic counties. Offering local NJ pest control since 1931, their pest control specialists have a keen understanding of the roaches and other pests common to the Garden State.