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Identifying Wasp Nests In St. Louis And Mid-Missouri

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As summer starts to wind down in St. Louis and throughout Missouri, one might think that stinging insects will start disappearing however that is not accurate. You see, late summer and early fall are when stinging insect populations are at their peak and could very well become a problem around your home. With that in mind, we urge you to keep your eye out for wasp nests near your home or elsewhere on your property. You don’t want any one of your family members to have an allergic reaction to a wasp sting after all.

So what do wasp nests look like? Well there are actually a few different types of wasps in St. Louis including yellow jackets, papers wasps and mud daubers. What’s more, they all make different kinds of nests.

Yellow Jacket Nest Identification

Often found in the ground, hanging from tree branches or in the corners of buildings, yellow jacket nests are made from paper-like material (created by mixing their saliva with trees and other chewed-up cellulose material). Inside there are combs that contain areas where the young are cared for. The trouble with yellow jacket nests is that you may miss them entirely if they are in the ground.

Paper Wasp Nest Identification

Paper wasp nests are generally attached to eaves and other protected surfaces of homes and buildings. They are also found hanging from branches of trees. Paper wasp nests are open-celled paper nests made from a mixture of saliva and chewed wood.

Mud Dauber Nest Identification

Unlike yellow jackets and paper wasps, mud daubers don’t build nests in the ground or on trees but rather on walls, cliffs and other overhangs. Also different than the other wasps mentioned, these stinging insects actually create their nests from mud and resemble long slender tubes. Sometimes they even construct several nests together and then cover them with more mud.

If you’ve discovered a stinging insect nest attached to your home or nearby, you may feel like attempting to remove them on your own however this could prove to be dangerous. There is all kinds of information on the internet that offer advice on how to get rid of a wasp nest (you know like remove it at night to reduce your chances of being stung) but really the safest way to protect yourself and family is to contact a pest control company that specializes in stinging insect control and that has the tools and knowledge to remove the wasp nest.

If you need help removing a wasp nest in St. Louis or Mid-Missouri, the pest control professionals at Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions can help. In business since 1956, Rotter is a St. Louis pest control company that can help you identify and treat your stinging insect problem.