There are many different types of pests that can enter your Kansas City home; some are more of a nuisance but others bring more danger to you and your family. Cockroaches are a pest that are considered to be dangerous and need to be dealt with right away by a professional pest control technician. Cockroaches are a very resilient pest species that like to live around human environments in order to have easy access to food, water and shelter. Cockroaches most often enter into homes in bags, boxes, packages and through small spaces around the exterior of your home. Cockroaches can be dangerous to you and your family because they often introduce bacteria and viruses from their feet and legs onto your kitchen counters, utensil drawers, cabinets, sinks and other places in your home. When cockroaches are present, it is common for people to become afflicted with dysentery, diarrhea and food poisoning. Some even find that a roach infestation leads to allergies and asthma attacks in young children.
The holiday season is right around the corner and unfortunately so are hoards of cockroaches looking to invade your home. In fact, a cockroach infestation is more likely to happen around the holidays when homeowner are otherwise distracted. During the holidays, homes often have more food, more trash, and more boxes and packages coming inside. For all these reasons, it is important to remain on high alert for any signs of cockroaches or other pests through the busy holiday season.
The good news is that you do not have alter your plans for cooking a turkey and baking pies because there are some very easy and economical ways that you can prevent a cockroach infestation in your home this holiday season. Some things that you can do around your home include:
Inspecting bags and packages before bringing them into your kitchen and home.
Sealing cracks and crevices along the foundation.
Caulking gaps around windows and doors.
Removing sources of excess moisture from the kitchen and bathroom.
Taking the trash out on a regular basis.
Immediately cleaning up the kitchen and dining room after a big meal.
Storing all open food in airtight containers, or in your fridge.
If you do happen to notice that roaches or other pests are taking over your home, it is important to contact your local pest control professionals for a fast and effective cockroach extermination. After all, the holiday season is not meant to be spend in worry about a home pest infestation.
For home pest control in Kansas City and surrounding communities, contact Schendel Pest Services today!