There are many fall insects and pests that we contend with living in New York; one of the worst offenders this time of year is the stink bug. This pest knows that winter will soon be here, so the stink bug, along with all its many friends and family, begin searching for a warm and cozy place to ride out the winter. When they find an easy place to enter your home, they will come inside and spend their winter days all cozy and warm within your home. What can be done to control these pests? Read on to learn more about stink bugs and fall pest control measures to protect your property from invading fall pests.
Along with stink bugs, common fall pests that may be looking to get into your home include:
Mice and other rodents
Box elder bugs
Lady bugs
These pests all know that winter will soon be upon us and they must find a protected place before the cold weather sets in and they die from NY’s freezing winter temperatures. To protect your home from these pests, you can implement a few important prevention measures. These include:
Find and fix any gaps in the exterior of your home. Use weather stripping around doors, close up gaps with hard wire mesh screening or expandable foam. By eliminating pest entry points, you will have fewer pests that can find a way into your home this fall.
Cut back tree branches and shrubs from the exterior of your home. Vegetation that touches the side of your home can invite pests to your property.
Remove wood piles or rock piles; these act as hiding places for rodents, spiders and other fall pests.
Remove white lighting from around the exterior of your home. If you must have lighting around doors, use yellow lights instead as these attract fewer insects.
Implementing these prevention tips can help you reduce overwintering insect populations from choosing your home, but may not eliminate them entirely. Fall pest and stink bug extermination services should be sought from a pest control professional to help you get rid of the pests that have entered your home and help prevent future pest problems from taking hold. But when it comes to controlling fall pests, you must act before these pests make it indoors, as preventative treatments are the most effective before infestations have become established.
For control of stink bugs, Long Island residents know to call the professionals at Parkway Pest Services. Parkway has been providing effective and affordable pest control in Westchester County, the Five Boroughs, Long Island and parts of Connecticut since 1932. Contact Parkway today for more information on fall pest control services and assistance with preventing overwintering pests like stink bugs from making your home their own.