If you have pets, you probably have seen fleas at one time or another. These parasitic insects need a host on which to feed and animals like cats and dogs are extremely susceptible to these pests. Fleas can be found outdoors, often on wild animals and can be spread to your pets and to your yard either from other animals entering your yard or from spending time around someone else’s pets that are carrying fleas. Fleas are approximately 2.5 mm in length, which makes them about the thickness of a quarter and they are flat, wingless insects. They have six long legs that assist them in jumping and that is how they travel from animal to animal, or into your New England yard.
If your pets have picked up fleas, there’s a good chance you’ve got a flea infestation inside your house as well. Having fleas inside your home can be very frustrating, as no one likes the feeling of being bitten while enjoying the comfort of their own home. Fleas can make your pets scratch and be very uncomfortable; fleas can also introduce health problems for your pets, including ‘flea allergy dermatitis’, which is a skin disease that afflicts both cats and dogs. Flea allergy dermatitis (also known as FAD) causes your pet to suffer a severe allergic reaction to flea saliva, resulting in hair loss as well as scabs and open sores from excessive scratching. Open sores can cause additional problems, as they can become susceptible to secondary bacterial infections, making your pets feel miserable.
Fleas can be a problem for you too; if they are infesting your pets’ bedding, there is a good chance they’ve found your couch, your chairs, your rug, your bed; anyplace where your cats or dogs spend time. If you’ve been feeling bites on your legs, ankles or feet while in your own home, you may have a flea infestation.
To prevent a flea infestation, you should begin with your pets. There are several prescription medications that are available for your pets to help kill any fleas that are on them as well as protect them from future flea infestations. Speak to your veterinarian about what product is best for your cat or dog and then use the product regularly; make sure you follow the application directions and never skip a dose. If you already have fleas in your home, you can kill any current infestations by cleaning your home. Vacuum rugs and carpets, sweep all your floors and wash pet bedding and anything else your pet regularly comes into contact with. After vacuuming, make sure to empty out the vacuum bag outdoors so you don’t invite a re-infestation. Another option for flea prevention is to contact a pest control professional in your area and have a flea treatment done either inside your home or in your yard, depending on where your problem lies. A pest control professional has the appropriate flea control materials to take care of the problem and the knowledge to know how to best apply the treatment for optimal results. Don’t let your dogs or cats live with blood sucking fleas; take care of the problem before it gets out of hand and you can make sure that your pets stay happy and healthy.
For flea control in Worcester, Providence and throughout their New England service area, contact the professionals at Big Blue Bug Solutions. The technicians at Big Blue Bug are trained at identifying any areas that have flea infestations and can help you determine how these pests have entered your home.